Turning Grill Out Leftovers Into Chinese Beef & Broccoli


As you guys know, about a year and a half ago I decided to drastically reduce my red meat intake for environmental reasons. I do still eat it on occasion when I am out or at someone else's home, but I never cook it in our home anymore. 

That said, we recently had friends over for a grill out and they brought some really lovely organic grass fed flank steaks for us to grill. TBD, in pregnancy I have actually upped my red meat intake a little bit (although less now than early in the pregnancy) one because I was really craving it and two because the iron in red meat is really necessary for pregnancy. I do want to mention that I'm well aware of the controversy over whether or not grass-fed beef is really any better for the environment than conventional, and truthfully I think I tend to fall into the camp that views all cow meat as probably a negative for mother earth, but in the case of consuming it, I at least feel better that, what I'm eating, has been more mindfully sourced.

All of that aside, the flank steak was DELICIOUS & my husband grilled it to perfection. We ended up having a bit leftover and as one who HATES to let anything in the fridge go to waste, I decided to repurpose it for dinner early int he week. 

I happened to have a small head of broccoli from my last Imperfect Produce Box and Trader Joe's Frozen brown rice in the freezer, plus about a cup of Trader Joe's Soyaki left in the fridge. 

I ended up slicing the meat into smaller thinner pieces and lightly sauteing it just until warm with the broccoli once that was nice and golden and cooked through. A dash of sauce and a quick simmer to meld them flavors then voila, served it up over rice and had myself a nice little fake-out take-out dinner for 1!

Don't you love when leftovers turn into who new meals of their own?

beef and broccoli