Low Carb Cabbage Enchiladas


A recipe for low carb enchiladas recently popped up on Pinterest and it piqued my interest so much I went ahead and attempted it myself. The one I saw was for a shredded chicken & cheese variety but I decided to make mine out of ground turkey and skip the cheese altogether (we generally feel better in our home when we don't eat dairy - hubs definitely has an allergy because it gives him a stuffy nose and it just makes me feel heavy). Anyways I had a cabbage from my recent Imperfect Produce Box and 2 jars of Trader Joe's Authentic Salsa, so it didn't take much to get everything together.

What I Used:

  • 12 Cabbage Leaves (one head of cabbage, cut off the stem, carefully remove the leaves, blanch them for about 1 minute in boiling water then immediately cool)
  • 1lbs ground turkey thigh
  • taco seasoning OR this homemade combo
  • 1 jar salsa - I like this red one and this green one both from Trader Joes
  • Spanish Rice (store bought) but added some freshly chopped/sauteed kale!
  • Guac (store-bought)
  • Pico De Gallo (store-bought)

How To:

  1. In a large sauté pan brown the ground turkey meat along with the seasoning until fully cooked. 
  2. Once the cabbage leaves are soft, scoop some of the turkey into each leaf and carefully roll them up, seam facing down in the pan you plan to bake them in.  Before adding the cabbage rolls, add a little bit of sauce to the bottom of the pain to help avoid any sticking.
  3. Continue until the pan is full, then cover the rolled cabbage leaves in the rest of the sauce/salsa.
  4. Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes or until bubbling.
  5. For the rice, I used store-bought Spanish Rice that just required heating up, then mixed it in with some sautéed kale for a few minutes at the very end.
  6. Serve it together and top it off with guac & pico!

Also see my regular customizable 4 ingredient Enchilada