Highs & Lows: 04/06/18

almonds and asana roundup april soderstrom.jpg

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  1. Easter: We went up to Lake Forest to celebrate with my husbands fam and it was an AMAZING feast - check out the mouth watering pics below.
  2. Photos of our place: We finally had some work finished (there's still more to do) and then after a big cleaning Wednesday morning we had some beautiful professional photos and done of our unique home. Can't wait to share more!
  3. New box of baby stuff: A box of wonderful stuff from Smilo! I will do a whole seperate post but the box includes baby gear designed by scientests for optimizing things like the shape of the nipple on the binky for orthodontic purposes.


  1. Crappy weather: You guys it was real feel of 13 degrees on Wednesday!! When I left the house around 6:15am it was all icy and snowy and totally unexpected for April!
  2. Not getting in a ton of workouts: It was a busy week and I wasn't able to squeeze workouts in every day which is tough. Not only because they make me feel good but because I know that ultimately they're good for me and the babe.
  3. A terrible headache on Wednesday: I think it was dehydration. It was one of those days where I looked up and it was 5PM and I had consumed maybe one bottle of water. Cue the Tylenol.

Best Thing I Ate:

Ok it's not exciting but it was the best thing because it was a big FIRST. It was the first "healthy" dinner I have made so far in this pregnancy! And by healthy I mean it didn't include carbs or cheese (well a tiny bit of flour and butter but seriously minimal) - photo below for my Chicken Picatta with Spaghetti Squash, Asparagus, and Bell Peppers.

Weekend Plans: 

My parents are coming in town Saturday night so prepping for their visit and then LOTS of eating. Also going out for a celebratory dinner on Friday night at El Che Bar with a few friends to congratulate one couple that just got engaged over Easter weekend & finally getting together with Heather from Dumbbell Blonde to talk about some exciting things we might work on together!


almonds and asana easter 2018.jpg
Easter Brunch

Easter Brunch

Easter Brunch

Easter Brunch

Chicken Piccata  - recipe coming soon

Chicken Piccata  - recipe coming soon

Smilo box with a blanket and lots of baby goodies!

Smilo box with a blanket and lots of baby goodies!


Have a Wonderful Weekend - See you Monday!