Leftover Salad Lunch: How to Whip up Lunch From Scrap with a Limited Fridge

This is sort of my forte, whipping up snacks, lunches, even dinners from tidbits and let me tell you, it's a real feeling of accomplishment. A few helpful things to always have on hand are some sort of lettuce (for me it's usually spinach or chopped kale), other easily choppable veggies or roasted veggies in your fridge, oil/vinegar/lemon/mustard for a quick dressing, avocados (always), and if you want some animal protein then line caught canned tuna, shredded chicken, hardboiled eggs, or sliced turkey are the best ones to easily add in. In this case, I was going vegan so here's how I made it:

  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • 2-3 diced Persian cucumbers
  • a small cup of leftover sauteed curry zucchini from a dinner I’ll share next week
  • 1 avocado
  • grapeseed oil, white balsamic, and Sir Kensington'sdijon mustard

toss it all up and enjoy!

For more salads check out this post, and for more on how to make your own easy homemade dressings head here