GF Vegan Overnight Oats with Homemade Almond Milk & Trader Joe's Chia Seeds

So, as you know from a few posts (here, here, here, and here) I took a week to eat totally vegan and see how I felt. While I decided it wasn't entirely for me (legumes just don't make me feel great, and I really missed fish and chicken and eggs) it was a good challenge from a cooking perspective! So without further ado, vegan breakfast #1

Overnight Oats using Homemade Almond Milk/Chia Seed/Trader GF Rolled Oats. Topped with Blueberries

Basically, for this guy, you just add some oats and chia seeds to a bowl, cover with almond milk (or milk of your choice) and pop it in the fridge over night. In the morning top it off with your favorite fruit and THAT IS IT!! Literally, that's all. SO easy and you can make it in a portable cup to take with you.

almonds and asana overnight oats vegan breakfast
almonds and asana overnight oats vegan breakfast