6 of My Favorite Homemade Items: Sauces, Spice Rubs, Granola & More

While I haven't totally turned into a homemade snob about all things, it is something I've been experimenting with more especially post Whole30. For instance, you all know I've become a nut (pun intended) about my homemade almond milk, but there are other things too! While I do have some great go to sauces that I use, like this salsa verde from Trader Joe'sbut if I have a little time I love making them myself.

So today is a roundup of some of my favorites, some of which you can even make/keep in bulk!

  1. Homemade Almond Milk
  2. almonds and asana granola prepalmonds and asana granolaalmonds and asana homemade baked granola
  3. Homemade Granola
  4. img_8808-1img_8787img_8811
  5. Homemade Blackened Seasoning
  6. IMG_5087IMG_5089img_5101
  7. Homemade Moroccan Spice Blend
  8. IMG_4226IMG_4224almonds and asana avocado pesto prepalmonds and asana avocado pesto cream sauce
  9. Homemade Pesto (vegan kale & spinach avocado)
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  11. Homemade Vinaigrettes