Five Ways I've Gotten Involved Lately

As you know, this blog is part journey part guide, and as such I plan to hold myself accountable for living out the purpose of Almonds & Asana. That is, being a more active and engaged part of my community, which is taking form in so many different ways and I'm really excited about all of it. Besides for becoming a podcast co-host, I've also now been a guest on another Podcast Series (West Loop Life) and have attended numerous Networking Events such as A Sweat Life Working Week Lunch & Learn. In addition to those things, here are five things I'm really proud of doing over the past couple of months since starting this blog:

  1. People's Climate March: On April 29th, despite cold rainy weather my husband and I made our way to Federal Plaza to rally with Chicagoans in support of Climate Change. I'll be honest this was not a particularly well coordinated event, as we were standing around in the cold rain for about an hour with speakers before any Marching took place. I think it would have been ideal to pivot from the plan a tad in light of the drizzly weather as people got anxious and dipped out early. But nonetheless I was glad to be there with quite a crowd, showing our support for issues we should be passionate about. It's important to remain vigil in voicing opinions, and quite literally just SHOWING UP.
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  3. UNICEF Kid Power Band:This was a super cool opportunity that honestly just fell in my lap. For more on this inspiring campaign and event check out this post. I can honestly say it was one of the more rewarding things I have done to date getting involved in my community, mixing asana and action.
  4. Volunteer for Chicago Cares Serve-A-Thon: After my experience volunteering with Chicago Cares at the LPCS, the organization reached out to me about helping to promote their Serve-A-Thon a couple of weeks ago (which I mentioned here). It was such a great DAY. See more about it HERE!
  5. Yoga Book Club: As I mentioned in this post, I've recently helped to start up a local yoga book club through my studio and it has been such an awesome opportunity to engage on a deeper level with other students and teachers alike. It sounds so simple but before this blog I wasn't trying very hard to engage the people closest to me that I wanted to learn more about and this has been a great way to do it.
  6. Lincoln Park Community Shelter: I recently had my second visit to the LPCS to serve breakfast to the residents. As I mentioned in my first post, it's an inspiring experience to say the least. I'm already signed up to go back in August.